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Charity is one thing that can be done by anyone at anytime they want in their life providing he has the heart & mind to look and care for other people. To get involved with the charity, do not promise anything that you will not be able to deliver. As much as the charities appreciate of any help you can give them, they understand you have got your life, thus be honest of how much time that you can give for the charity work, which won’t adversely affect your person time.

Dr Ganesh Ramalingam

Service towards Society

One such person who is active member of many charitable organizations is Dr Ganesh Ramalingam. His relationship building nature has extended his work in philanthropy, as well. The early ways that he applied his expertise of medicine was serving as Commando Medical Officer in National Service. Love for football evolved to the service that he provided as match doctor for Singapore National Team. The scope of work of Dr. Ganesh involves drafting the proposals on the medical & safety measures.

Dr. Ramalingam heads G and L Surgical, which he established to specialize in the gastrointestinal & laparoscopic methods. After graduating from National University in 1997 & finishing his PG training & fellowship with Royal College of the Surgeons Edinburgh, he worked in the government hospitals before the moved in the private practice. The clinic was made on ethos to get to know every patient in the most holistic way. Soon society trappings found him to sponsor tables at the charity gala dinners and where glitz & glamour convene to collect funds.

Published by Andrew